Directed by British animation legend and Aardman co-founder Peter Lord and based on Gideon Defoe’s cult
novel series, The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists is a delirious high-seas romp starring Hugh Grant as
the luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain, who navigates his salty crew on a perilous mission to Victorian London to aid a young
Charles Darwin voiced by David Tennant.
David Tennant says: "What a joy to be part of that. You feel a little bit of a cheat to take any
credit for it, but really the stars of this film are the animators. What they can make a piece of plasticine is quite remarkable.""The
other day I did my last session on the film and they brought the little model of [my character] Darwin down so I have shaken
hands the plasticine me - which was strangely thrilling."
Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists! is released on 28th March 2012.
Click here to view worldwide release dates for the film.